Monday, March 17, 2008

punta arenas...

today we sadly came to the realization that in a week or so we will run out of road going south. in the morning we will cross the straight of magellan on a ferry to that southern tip.

this afternoon i embraced being in a "big city". i found many cafés to sit in and sip coffee and write in my journal to catch up with myself and my thoughts. i definately drank too much coffee. i also had the opportunity to visit a cemetary.

this cemetary is in the midst of a town and is an above ground cemetary. the only reason i am taking the time to specifically mention this cemetary is because the cemetary has rows and rows of what looks like buildings that look like dressers and each of the "drawers" is labeled and decorated. it looks a lot like my sand collection at home in their drawers neatly labeled and dated.

ok that was it. downloading pictures takes forever so please forgive me for not posting a picture of the will come soon.

peace. and please pray for tailwinds!

ps. in eugene, by the train station is that statue and at the bottom they have listed many places and the distance. you will notice on the bottom of that statue that tierra del fuego is listed...crazy isn´t it? i´m there!


Anonymous said...

I think I'll wander over to the train station and tell the statue that you're thinking about it.
congrats on reaching tierra del fuego! Seriously cool, chicky. Hey! You're upside down! :)
cheers -

Anonymous said...

You've ridden to the end of the earth! So amazing... -Kirsten