Monday, January 28, 2008

can you believe how muddy our faces are!!!?

Note* Added pics of Claudia, Picasso and their daughter. -WM

here are a few can meet our new friend martin, and the sunset on lake faulkner from our campsite along the lake. regretfully, i was unable to upload a picture of claudia, picasso, and their daughter...maybe in the future...


Anonymous said...

What a cool adventure. I love the pictures as well as the stories. I think Margo rocks as well. Is he/she the Mascot?

Brook said...


Ethan and Brook here-- here being in San Martin de los Andes, deciding the next direction of our adventure. So, have you reached El Bolson, yet? We would love to meet up with you, share stories from the road (read ¨desert¨), sip on some mate (and beer) and eat some marrakesh (hope you´ve discovered that by now!).

So, the big question is.... when will you be there, and where is the comunidad del rio azul? We are thinking of heading in that direction rather than cutting across to chile at villa langustura. A day off in-around el bolson before hitting the ole austral would be swell.

We should be in the area in 5 days or so. Write back as soon as you can! hopefully we can meet up. we`ll check email as we can ( ,

Happy travels! que barbaro

brook and ethan

Anonymous said...

Hi sunshine! LOVE the pics, they look all warm and serene. You'll be able to track the sequence of events based on how your hair is growing out (so cute, btw!). It's still snowing in Eugene, we still miss you, still proud as hell, though. Be well~ :)